Abstract's Journal

Abstract's Journal


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8 entries this month

16:47 Sep 27 2012
Times Read: 535

Just a quick note before I head out to class.

I went to the doctors on Tuesday because I've been having some issues. My throat was sore, I was having issues with my ear, and then the glands in my neck started to swell up and get really tender.

So off to the doctor I went!

I have Adenoiditis and Mono. No strep though.

It's so weird trying to explain to people what adenoiditis is...

It's an infection in the adenoids and can spread to my tonsils to create... tonsillitis. Ta da.

Mono is easier to explain.

I also found out what is wrong with my foot. It's eczema. The pain that comes from the pressure is because it has gone untreated and started to affect the nerves. It's being fixed now.

Yay doctors!



18:38 Sep 27 2012

Hope you feel better soon, you must feel pretty good though going to class:)

09:08 Sep 28 2012

Mono explains your exhaustion issues. When I had it in high school, I couldn't make it through a school day without passing out during my last two classes. Then it got worse.

Feel better soon lady!


07:06 Sep 25 2012
Times Read: 540

Ok so uh...

I didn't die. My computer did...sorta. o.O

Something went wrong, I spent all day Friday trying to fix it and get it to actually boot up. Late Friday/Early Saturday, I was able to get into it via safe mode. I'm backing my stuff up and just going to do a clean wipe and start fresh. So I haven't exactly had access to my computer. It's -still- backing up. Hopefully I'll be able to do the wipe tomorrow.

But yeah...no computer, so I've been on the tablet, or using the laptop when Sean is sleeping.

I've been able to think of some great stuff with my scrap kits. I need to get some high resolution photos of Christmas ornaments for something I have planned. Too bad my camera sucks. :(

I'll figure something out.



15:35 Sep 25 2012

If any of my stuff works for ya- it's yours. :)


07:23 Sep 20 2012
Times Read: 548

So for the past few days, on top of my normal scrap work, I've been doing flyers.

Seems that people think that because I have Photoshop and some idea of how to use it, I have to make them flyers and event posters and other crap....for free.

Here is an example of one I did this week: http://tinyurl.com/8sno7bx

Not the greatest, but I'm kind of proud of it. The logo in the top corner I designed a few months back for them. It's some biker club that my parents are in.

I just think I should be getting paid for this...




18:35 Sep 18 2012
Times Read: 553

Been going around to the different parks in the area and have been taking pictures. I have them up on dA as stock since I don't think they are that great, but if you are interested, go take a peek.


Outside of that...I either have a cold or the start of strep. So no classes for me today. Back to laying down with the tablet!




15:06 Sep 14 2012
Times Read: 571

So three weeks into the semester and I'm already going to withdraw from a class.

Not because I can't handle the work, but because the teacher is a dumb fuck that doesn't know how to actually teach.

He wants us to do all the reading (which is fine) but all he does is put on a damn video in class. How is that teaching? How is that talking about the stories?

Did I mention the Friday thing? Yeah, it's a hybrid class so that means there is an online portion. To him, it means that we have to sit down between 9am and 3pm to do a "discussion" online. We don't have any other time to do it except between those hours. And because he's not satisfied with how we are answering the discussion question, he told us that he's going to start giving us tests every day before he starts class to make sure we read the stories.

So god forbid some of us have to work...or have class...or use Fridays to catch up on other things...

The thing about the video, outside of my own prejudices about tvs, is that there have been multiple studies that show that your brainwaves turn into the first stage of sleep while you are watching tv. So when he stops the video to get some sort of "discussion", most of the class is in that sleep stage, so obviously no discussion happens.

Oi vey.

It would be better if he was actually engaged as a teacher, instead of sitting there doing other work while making us watch a movie.

So yeah, he's a shitty teacher to me.



15:52 Sep 14 2012

I can completely agree with you there. What's the point? It's something you could do on your own if you want. Maybe they were an online professor for a while and don't know how to make the transition :P


13:52 Sep 06 2012
Times Read: 580

It's been a long time since I woke up not feeling tired. So, today I have started the day with no sleep inertia. Considering how long it's been since that happened last, I'm going to make the most of it.

Yes, I'm still having issues staying awake. It's been getting worse lately and I am going back into the doctor later this month to find out what the hell is going on. I also only have one class today, so I don't have to worry too much about passing out between classes.

I think one of the worse things I heard was this week when someone noticed I was always tired and yawning. They told me to get more sleep at night...

That is where this issue gets frustrating. I get at least 8 hours of sleep at night. Granted, last night I got around 10 because I crashed hard. This whole thing has been so physically taxing on me. I'm always out of energy and tired.

Ugh. I said too much on all of this.

Good side of this: Today I woke up feeling good. Something that is rare. I'm hoping it lasts.



18:57 Sep 17 2012

Have you had a sleep apnea test? Might want to if you have not.

01:47 Sep 18 2012

Yep. Been there, done that.


04:05 Sep 05 2012
Times Read: 588

I really wish people would stop sneaking food coloring into things that it doesn't really serve a purpose in...

First it was the tacos the other night. This time it was a brownie.

Chocolate and beef. They don't need food coloring.

An already long day tomorrow is now longer because I'll be feeling like crap.

And while I'm on this rant. BBQ sauce also doesn't need it. Just sayin...



04:14 Sep 05 2012

like msg in peanuts..... really now..... plain old dryed peanuts.....


22:01 Sep 04 2012
Times Read: 592

I've been reading Joli and Images journals about the storm and the aftermath and my mind keeps wandering back to 2004.

I can't say that I have some triumphant story about living through Katrina, but I can tell you that having 3 storms plow through the same area one right after another really takes a toll on a person. I know the feeling of getting cold water and just a bit of a/c when you've had nothing. Thankfully, we lived inland during those storms (Charlie and company), but we were still without power for a decent amount of time. With all the storms combined, it was almost a month with no power.

I remember driving out to the mall, sitting in the back of my grandfathers truck, and having the National Guard give us a case of water and some snack food. Once Publix was up and running with generators, they were pretty much giving food away so that we didn't starve.

I was very very lucky to have a friend with a generator, so I went to his place a few times to get some a/c, but that little bit doesn't stop the gross sick feeling.

I guess the point of this is showing that even though Katrina showed a nasty side of the world, in times of need, there is still some sense of community. It also doesn't matter how prepared you are, shit happens. Yeah, you may have canned food and batteries, but it doesn't make the situation much better. You run through that stuff fast.

I'm just glad to see that people are safe.



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